Electronics fans should check it out! Enter the Raspi Contest!
Is your Raspberry Pi broken? In such a case, let’s suspect the SD card connection!
Basic Electronic Craftsmanship] The Standard Circuit Diagram Creation Software! Using “Fritzing” to its fullest!
Event] Fastest Repo! I went to the opening of “YAFOFF! and Book-Off collaboration store, “YAF OFF!
Hackathons in the first half of 2014!
Hardware] For making gadgets using smartphone earphones! I collected various types of earphone plugs.
Practical Application] 4 Easy Steps! I made a baby monitoring system using a webcam.
Arduino] How to write a program in ATtiny
Basic] Summary of settings from the time of purchase to SSH connection to PCs in the network.
Hardware] For Gadget Making! Microcontrollers and boost type DC/DC converters operating at low voltage were investigated.