What to do when uploading a web service using cakePHP to the server

Medium 8423816537

Good evening, this is Bono.

I've been tinkering with web services a lot lately using cakePHP.
I'm not doing much, but I'll note what I do when I upload the files to the server.

I'm sure there are more efficient ways to do this.

DateTime settings

I got a ServerError for setting DateTime using only php.ini.
Edit the contents of the following file according to the following site.


Download and install CakePHP - How to use CakePHP

Upload app directory

Upload the file to the server for now with the following command.

ssh -i ~/.ssh/XXX.pem -r app ec2-user@XXX.XX.XXX.XX:

Replace on server

Move the uploaded app directory to the following directory. Before doing so, back up the existing app directory just in case.

sudo mv -i app app_bu

sudo mv -i app /var/www/html/XXX/