How to Select a Breadboard


Table of Contents
0:00 Opening
0:49 Choose by size
2:02 Select by presence or absence of power terminal
2:50 Select by number of columns
3:57 Select by the amount of current that can flow
5:00 One Point Advice
5:44 Summary.

How to Select a Breadboard

I'm thinking of buying a breadboard, but there are so many different types I don't know which one to choose.

There are certainly so many different types of breadboards that it's hard to know which one to choose!

In this article, we will explain "how to choose a breadboard " for those who do not know which breadboard to choose.

After reading this article, you will know what to look for when choosing a breadboard and will be able to buy one without hesitation.

There are four main points to consider when selecting a breadboard

Points to consider when selecting a breadboard
  1. Board Size
  2. With or without power supply terminal
  3. Number of rows of pins for signals
  4. Amount of current that can flow

Each will be explained in turn.

(1) Board size

The first point to consider when choosing a breadboard is the size of the board.

As shown in the figure below, there are various types of breadboards, including "large types with about 2,000 pins," "vertical types," and orthodox "400-pin types.

Large type

Vertical type

400 pin type

There are also "ultra-small types" that can be used like toys, and "ultra-large types with more than 3,000 pins" that can be used for all types of circuits.

Ultra-compact type

Super large type

The super-large type has many pins and looks like it can build many circuits, but in reality, the circuits that can be built are not that large because some of the pins are connected internally.

The key to choosing the size of the board is to select one that is considerably larger than the scale of the circuit you wish to assemble.

Select a circuit that is considerably larger than the size of the circuit you want to assemble.

As a rule of thumb, if the number of components in the circuit you want to build is 10 or less, you can use the "orthodox 400-pin type".

Orthodox 400-pin type

If it is more than that, we recommend using a larger "vertical type" or "large type".

If there are multiple breadboards, they can be assembled like Lego bricks to increase their size!

If you run out of space, please try this.

(2) Power supply terminal

The next key factor in choosing a breadboard is whether it has a power supply terminal.
The power supply terminals are the terminals marked Va, Vb, Vc, and GND on the right side of the breadboard, as shown in the figure below.

Terminals marked Va, Vb, Vc, GND on the breadboard

As you can see on the back side, this is simply a metal plate with terminals, not directly connected to the breadboard.

Behind the breadboard

But it is very useful when multiple power supplies coexist in a circuit.

For example, as shown in the figure below, if three different voltages are supplied from a regulated power supply or battery, they should be connected once to the power supply terminals.
Then you can immediately tell which one is what voltage, which can drastically reduce the number of power supply connection errors.

Choose one with a source terminal

If multiple power supplies coexist in a circuit, it is recommended to select one with power supply terminals!

Number of rows of pins for signals

The third point in choosing a breadboard is the number of rows of pins for signals.
A typical breadboard has five rows of five columns per block, as shown in the figure below.
However, some types have six rows, as shown in the figure below.
Basically, you can choose either one, but I personally recommend the type with six rows.
The reason is that any IC or module with six rows can build a circuit with a relatively large margin.
For example, when using ICs or sensor modules on a breadboard, if the width of the module is long, it is often the case that the 5-row type has only two pins that can actually be inserted.
As a concrete example, let's look at the motor control circuit we are currently assembling below.
Since the width is quite large, you can see that three rows of pins on the inside are no longer available.
Even in the figure below, the 6-row type has plenty of room for wiring.

The six-row type is a little more expensive, but if you have some extra money in your pocket, choose the six-row type as much as possible.

Amount of current that can flow

The last point in choosing a breadboard is the amount of current that can flow.

The breadboard contains metal pins as shown in the figure below, through which current flows.

Even metals have a certain amount of resistance, so they heat up when a large current is applied to them.

Since the cross-sectional area and material of the metal pins vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, the amount of current that can flow varies accordingly.

In many cases, the amount of current that can flow is not published, but if the product is from a reputable manufacturer, it should be listed as a specification.

Do not use more than the specified amount of current, as the board will heat up and may be burnt!
Note that if the maximum value is not listed, it does not mean that it is safe to flow indefinitely; it just means that it is not guaranteed.
In such cases, it is safe to keep the current to 1A or less as a guideline, because it is not safe to apply a lot of current.
These are four points to consider when choosing a breadboard.
Let's review again.
Points to consider when selecting a breadboard
  1. Board Size
  2. With or without power supply terminal
  3. Number of rows of pins for signals
  4. Amount of current that can flow

advice of a point (advice that may be helpful to some people)

One last piece of advice is in order.

If you don't have anything in mind yet that you want to make, but "I need a breadboard right away anyway! But I don't want a shady Chinese-made one," then just buy this "San Hayato's SAD-101" without thinking twice.

Sanhayato is a well-established Japanese manufacturer of tools and accessories commonly used for experiments and educational purposes, and is extremely reliable.

This SAD-101 is a very standard breadboard in the 400-pin type from San Hayato and can be bought at a relatively affordable price.

As for the sensation of using the device, it has a high grip when the pin is inserted, allowing for safe experimentation.

If you are in doubt, please try this one.


In this article, we have explained four key points for those who do not know which breadboard to choose.

With these four points in mind, you can safely choose a breadboard.

If you are still unsure, you can buy "Sanhayato's SAD-101" first.

Other videos and articles are also available to help beginners learn electronics construction systematically from zero, including explanations of the minimum knowledge and tools they should acquire.

Basic usage and notes on breadboardsPlease also refer to the following pages for more information!