When using TrueType fonts in openframeworks, I get an error “FT_Error 2 unknown freetype


photo credit: Skley via photopin cc

Good evening, this is Bono.

It's still unresolved, but I'm recording it to see if anyone else is going through the same thing and to add to my group of friends.


This occurred in the following environment

  • openframeworks: v0.8.1
  • Xcode: 5.1
  • Occurred when trying to use TrueType font

Occurrence details

When the application is run, the following error is output to the console.

The key text does not appear to reflect the settings for both font/size.

[crayon] [ error ] ofTrueTypeFont: loadFontFace(): couldn't create new face for "": FT_Error 2 unknown freetype


As it is still unresolved, it will be described when it is resolved.