Completion image
For now, I'll just paste the code as it is.
I cut and pasted from various sources, so please don't be offended if there are unnecessary codes or comments.
Change the XXXXXX, YYYYYY, AAAAAA, BBBBB places according to your own environment.
/* ******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2021 by M5Stack * Equipped with M5Core2 sample source code * M5Core2 display source code * Visit the website for more information: * 获取更多资料请访问: * * describe: Hello World *date: 2021/7/21 ******************************************************************************* */ #include#include #include //#include #include #include //WiFi Setup const char* ssid = "XXXXX"; const char* password = "YYYYYY"; WiFiServer server(80); //YouTube Settings #define API_KEY "AAAAA" #define CHANNEL_ID "BBBBB" WiFiClientSecure client;. YoutubeApi api(API_KEY, client); unsigned long api_mtbs = 10000; unsigned long api_lasttime;. unsigned long timeBetweenRequests = 60000; unsigned long nextRunTime; unsigned long nextRunTime /* After M5Core2 is started or reset the program in the setUp () function will be run, and this part will only be run once. 在 M5Core2 启动或者复位后,即会开始执行setup()函数中的程序,该部分只会执行一次。 */ void setup(){ M5.begin(); //Init M5Core2. Initialization M5Core2 /* Power chip connected to gpio21, gpio22, I2C device Set battery charging voltage and current If used battery, please call this function in your project */ M5.Lcd.print("AAA Hello World"); // Print text on the screen (string) 在屏幕上打印文本(字符串) //*************** WiFi setting ****************/// M5.Lcd.setTextSize(2); WiFi.begin(ssid, password); while (WiFi.status() ! = WL_CONNECTED){ delay(500); M5.Lcd.print('.') ; } M5.Lcd.print("\r\nWiFi connected\r\nIP address: "); M5.Lcd.println(WiFi.localIP()); //*********************************************// client.setInsecure(); } /* After the program in setup() runs, it runs the program in loop() The loop() function is an infinite loop in which the program runs repeatedly 在setup()函数中程序执行完后,会接着执行loop()函数中程序 loop() function is a death cycle, and the loop() function is an uninterrupted looping process */ void loop() { /* int result=api.getChannelStatistics(CHANNEL_ID); Serial.println(result); Serial.println("\n"); unsigned long Count = api.channelStats.subscriberCount; String thisString = String(Count, DEC); Serial.print("Subscriber Count: "); Serial.println(api.channelStats.subscriberCount); Serial.println("\n"); */ if (millis() > nextRunTime) { if(api.getChannelStatistics(CHANNEL_ID)) { Serial.println("---------Stats---------"); Serial.print("Subscriber Count: "); Serial.println(api.channelStats.subscriberCount); Serial.print("View Count: "); Serial.println(api.channelStats.viewCount); Serial.print("Comment Count: "); Serial.println(api.channelStats.commentCount); Serial.print("Video Count: "); Serial.println(api.channelStats.videoCount); // Probably not needed :) //Serial.print("hiddenSubscriberCount: "); //Serial.println(api.channelStats.hiddenSubscriberCount); Serial.println("------------------------"); int subscriberCount = api.channelStats.subscriberCount; M5.Lcd.println(subscriberCount); } nextRunTime = millis() + timeBetweenRequests; } }
Note the following errors
After writing the code several times, I started to get the following error in the middle of the code. We are investigating the cause.
Serial port /dev/cu.wchusbserial52D20315041 serial.serialutil.SerialException: [Errno 2] could not open port /dev/cu.wchusbserial52D20315041: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/cu.wchusbserial52D20315041' Failed to execute script esptool スケッチの書き込み中にエラーが発生しました