Recommended materials when first learning Solidity programming

Hello, this is Bono.

Recently, I have been immersed in the Web3 area and decided that Solidity is the way to go if I want to program in blockchain, so I studied it using online materials.

I will leave a note of that time.

Online materials studied

In this case, the following were used
I googled around and decided on this one because it seemed to best match what I wanted to know now and my sense of level.

Develop a todo app that runs on the blockchain!Techpit


Overall, it was pretty good.

I learned all about how to write a program on the blockchain and how to use it the rest of the way.

I have been fluffy in my understanding, but I feel like I have taken my understanding to the next level.

Points that require improvement

However, in places, the course did not run as smoothly as we would have liked due to numerous errors.
Each time, I googled and tried various things physically, and when I finally finished all of them, about a week had passed.
Probably enough to finish in a day or two if nothing else.

Incidentally, I think the reasons why things did not go smoothly, as far as I understand, are as follows.

  • Remix editor version is out of date.
  • node version is out of date
  • There are a few double-byte spaces and other mysterious errors in the program in the course? If you copy and paste the program as it is, you will get an error (if you type it in by hand, it works fine).

So, despite the above improvements, I highly recommend this material to anyone who can solve the problem while studying on their own.

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