No mysql extension in phpMyAdmin, please check your PHP settings. What to do when you get an error saying


photo credit: mysql mints via photopin (license)

Good evening, this is Bono.

I was pretty stuck, but I finally figured out how to deal with the following error.


Error Description

I can't log in to phpMyAdmin. Or rather, I can't even get to the login screen.

How to deal with it

The following site was helpful.

However, in my case, it was php55-mysql, not php5-mysql. It seems that you need to change the value here depending on the version of php you have in your system.

( I checked the version with php -v and it was PHP 5.3, so what is the basis for the numbers? )

[crayon] sudo port install php55-mysql

After this, I restarted apache and it was fixed successfully!

[crayon] sudo /opt/local/apache2/bin/apachectl restart

Building a Web Server Environment with MacPorts 6/6 phpMyAdmin Error Resolution: Nothing much better to do