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The content is basically the same, but we introduce a few details such as how to create data.
Please check this out as well!
The MATLAB manual is still confusing, so I will summarize it. You can paste the code together into the command window.
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Prepare data in Excel
As an example here, we have three sin curves in Excel, each with a different frequency.
In this case, 1 Hz, 3 Hz, and 10 Hz were used.
The signal in column E (yellow), which is the sum of the two, is the target of the analysis.
Save the file as a CSV file, leaving only columns A and E.
The formulas for each column are as follows.
- Column B "=SIN(2*PI()*A2)"
- Column C "=SIN(2*PI()*3*A2)"
- Column D "=SIN(2*PI()*10*A2)"
- Column E "=SUM(B2:D2)"
You can copy and paste it directly into Excel. I will also upload the Excel file to my Github so you can use that as well.
Data Import in MATLAB
Import t and sum as arrays in MATLAB as follows, respectively.
Set the signal and plot
In this case, the following code was used to create signals up to 4 seconds at 0.002 second intervals.
[crayon] T = 0.002; % sample periodL = 1001; % Number of signal points (note that it is not time!)
t = (0:L-1)*T; % time vector
Y = fft(sum);
P2 = abs(Y/L);.
P1 = P2(1:L/2+1);.
P1(2:end-1) = 2*P1(2:end-1);
Fs = 1/T;.
F = Fs*(0:(L/2))/L;.
As shown below, we see peaks at 1Hz, 3Hz, and 10Hz.